The Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation, with the support of the Road Safety Unit (UNASEV), organized the first seminar "Mobility and Public Roads: Successful experiences in the framework of COVID19" with the participation of prominent exhibitors from Latin America and Europe.
Although today there is a lower level of mobility -which has responded to temporary measures in the framework of the health emergency represented by COVID-19-, both Uruguay and the countries of the region will face a series of challenges linked to mobility in the short term in relation to the new reality we will experience.
Given the circumstances of COVD19 that we are experiencing as a society, the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation is launching a cycle of webinars on different aspects of children's road safety.
We believe that commitment to public health is a priority today, and this requires responsibility and joint effort.
During the presentation of Nani Rodríguez, President of the Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation, at the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm, Sweden, the latest data on the Safe School Environments project in Guaymallén; Mendoza, Argentina was presented.