Central America represents a real opportunity to show substantial changes in terms of safe child mobility and child road safety. For this reason, in coordination with the National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation (INTRANT), the Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation trained 26 references from 9 public agencies in child road safety.
On December 1st, the winners of the preliminary architectural design competition for the Gonzalo "Gonchi" Rodríguez Cultural Center were announced.
With the support of UNASEV and the National Directorate of Roadside Police, we held the regional seminar "Control Effectiveness as an Agent of Change", which was attended by agents from different countries.
With the presence of almost 250 people, together with the Argentine Road Safety Agency, we held a virtual conference on the progress of public policies aimed at children's road safety in that country.
As part of the 20th anniversary of the Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation, a high-impact urban intervention was held to raise awareness and publicly reaffirm the concern and request the commitment of all to work to improve road safety in Uruguay, which in 2019 claimed the lives of 422 people.
34% of Chileans say that they have thought about changing their most frequently used transport to the car in the first place and the bicycle in the second.
The Foundation has been developing an intense work since last year, seeking that the different areas of government of Uruguay have in their agenda to road safety and mobility.
Exactly on the day of the 21st anniversary of the death of Gonzalo Rodríguez in an accident at the Laguna Seca circuit, his legacy materialized more than ever with the announcement of the beginning of the works and the discovery of the "foundation plaque" of the Gonzalo "Gonchi" Rodríguez Cultural Center.