
The Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation joined the request to create a specialized Road Safety Prosecutor's Office

The Gonzalo Rodríguez Foundation sent a letter to the president of the National Road Safety Unit (UNASEV), Fernando Longo, to formally express its adherence to the Montevideo Declaration, held within the framework of the 1st Ibero-American Forum on Road Safety Justice, organized by the Ibero-American Federation of Associations of Victims of Road Violence (FICVI), the National Network of Victims and Relatives of Road Traffic Accidents in Uruguay (RENAVIC) and UNASEV on November 9 in the Paraninfo of the University of the Republic.

As a civil society organization that promotes child road safety we share the concern about the situation of road accidents that affect thousands of families every day in the world and in Uruguay, being one of the biggest public health problems and one of the main causes of death in young people.

It is for this reason that we join the request to create a specialized Prosecutor's Office for Road Safety, and we claim each of the points established in the aforementioned declaration.

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