Central America represents a real opportunity to show substantial changes in terms of safe child mobility and child road safety. That is why, in coordination with the National Institute of Traffic and Land Transportation (INTRANT), the Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation trained 26 references from 9 public agencies in child road safety. The focus of these trainings was on Child Restraint Systems and how they are necessary to achieve safe mobility.
They participated in this training:
- National Institute of Integral Attention to Early Childhood, INAIPI
- National Council for Children and Adolescents, CONANI
- Association of Parents and Friends of Schools, APMAE
- General Directorate of Traffic and Transport Safety, DIGESETT
- Attorney General's Office, National Directorate for Children and Adolescents
- Program for the Reduction of Deaths due to Traffic Accidents, PREMAT
- National Institute of Transit and Land Transportation, INTRANT
- National School of Road Education, ENEVIAL
- Children's Institute
The Gonzalo Rodriguez Foundation has already worked on the elaboration and improvement of 9 laws and regulations in different countries that substantially improve child mobility; but it is also fundamental to train the different public actors to obtain a better applicability of the norm and to promote public policies from each binding organization.
For this reason, a second phase is already underway in coordination with INTRANT, where each institution that participated in the training can implement the knowledge acquired from each area of action during 2021.